Wednesday, 22 March 2023

Why Coinbase Stock Surged 8.5% Today

by Earn Media

What happened

The cryptocurrency market is once again moving higher today, supporting some positive price action among a number of crypto-adjacent companies. For Coinbase (NASDAQ: COIN), a company that derives the vast majority of its revenue and income from transaction fees, higher token prices generally translates into greater trading volume. Thus, Coinbase’s 8.5% surge as of 12:15 p.m. ET may not be surprising to many.

That said, there are a number of other catalysts driving this impressive move in Coinbase stock today.

Notably, the fallout from key crypto-related banks appears to have little effect on Coinbase and could potentially improve this centralized crypto exchange’s status as one of the last remaining options for conventional investors to access the crypto markets. Coinbase has shut down its support for Signet and reportedly supported Circle’s USDC stablecoin via a significant $3 billion offer to backstop the token. Ultimately, USDC regained its peg, and Coinbase’s interest-generating model tied to this token remains intact.

Additionally, there’s some interesting news circulating today around the company’s expansion into the Brazilian market. Coinbase had already hired 40 employees in Brazil, and its platform is fully available in Portuguese. However, until now, payments could only be made on the platform via credit card — Coinbase has since opened up payments, allowing local purchases to be made in Brazilian reals via a partnership with Ebanx.

Finally, there’s growing optimism around Coinbase’s two ongoing class action lawsuits. The company has sought to push these lawsuits into binding arbitration, a move that many experts think will be approved by this current majority conservative Supreme Court. If this is the case, precedent-setting legislation (likely positive for the crypto sector overall) could be handed down.

So what

There’s a lot going on with Coinbase right now. That’s perhaps putting it lightly.

Financial market contagion risks appear to have bolstered appetite for other asset classes. While many cryptocurrencies aren’t the sort of hedge against uncertainty many expected (the whole “digital gold” argument has been largely debunked, given the relatively high correlation between cryptos and equities of late), there’s some allure to diversifying holdings away from assets that could be negatively impacted from some sort of fiat currency event.

In this case, Coinbase’s market leadership in terms of centralized crypto exchanges in the U.S. is garnering significant attention in the market. As the company continues to expand and potentially settle some of its ongoing lawsuits, investors may have a clearer line of sight to future profitability. Of course, this all depends on how cryptocurrencies trend from here and if trading volumes pick back up.

Now what

The multibillion-dollar question for Coinbase continues to be whether the crypto market can stage some sort of significant 2021-style rally moving forward. If interest rates do come down (as the bond market suggests), perhaps risk-on assets such as digital tokens can surge. If that’s the case, the investment thesis for Coinbase becomes much more clear.

The market appears to be pricing this in right now. Whether that’s a correct outlook will be proven over time. However, for now, Coinbase stock appears to be one of the ways investors are looking to trade positive momentum among this more speculative sector.

10 stocks we like better than Coinbase Global
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See the 10 stocks

*Stock Advisor returns as of March 8, 2023

Chris MacDonald has no position in any of the stocks mentioned. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Coinbase Global. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy.

